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pioneering innovation in silicon valley

full-system product design, development and engineering for consumer and industrial electronics

Surfaceink is a pioneering product design and development innovation studio located in Silicon Valley. We provide full-system product design, development and engineering services for Fortune 100 companies and startups in both the Consumer and Industrial Electronics market segments. From initial product strategy and design to detailed hardware, software engineering, and production ramp, we have the talent, know-how, and a proven track record for delivering a diverse range of successful technology products to market.

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Dave Berol Audio/ Voice Director

David Berol

Audio/ Voice Director

David is an experienced audio professional with a strong DSP background and a passion for voice assistant applications. His previous experience is with Amazon, where he started as a Solutions Architect and Subject Matter Expert for Audio and Acoustic for all of AVS and eventually managed the AVS Certification Operations Team. He was the original author of the Acoustic Certification and Audio Qualification procedure for Amazon and is excited to help others develop amazing AVS experiences on their devices.